Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

How To Complete The Quest On Go Fishing II

How To Complete The Quest On Go Fishing II

This post is a continuation of my previous post titled how to complete the quest on go fishing.

Go Fishing Quest Series

16. Nice Pictures Quest

Task : Catch 1 Crappie, 1 Bullhead and 1 Panfish
Catch these three fish at Silent Trees Use Bread bait, Line 5, Hook 5 and Common Rod (5 Kg). Fish Finder will help you to find some litle fish.

17. Cat Food Quest

Task : Catch 5 Roach, 5 Bullhead and 1 Whitefish
You can catch them at all michigan lake spot. To catch them use Line 5, Hook 5 and Common Rod (5 Kg), and for bait :
- Roach        : Bread, Dogfood
- Bullhead     : Bread , Dogfood
- Whitefish    : Worm, Dogfood

18. Common Bait Quest

Task : Catch 5 fish using Bread bait, 5 fish using Worm bait and 5 fish using Dog Food bait.
Catch all of the fish at the Silent Trees using Line 5, Hook 5 and Common Rod (5 Kg).

19. Sam's Brithday Quest

Task: Catch 1 Northern Pike fish bigger than 1 Kg, 1 Smallmouth Bass bigger than 800 gram and 1 Brown Trout bigger than 1,5 Kg.
You can catch them at all michigan lake spot. Use Landing Net 5 (for Stamina), Fish Finder, Line 5, Hook 5 and Common Rod (5 Kg), and for bait :
- Nothern Pike          : Fruit Flies
- Smallmouth Bass    : Dog Food, Larvae, Bass Boilies, Trout Boilies, Fruit Flies
- Brown Trout           : Worm, Corn, Trout Boilies

20. A Small World Quest

Task : Catch 3 fish that contain Caviar, Get 40 fish Steaks and Give 5 Gifts to your friend.
- To catch 3 fish that contain Caviar you can use Fruit Flies bait. Use Line 5, Hook 5 and Common Rod (5 Kg).
- To get 40 fish steaks you can simply cutting the fish on the fish section at the Backpack.
- To give a gift to your friend, you can look at lower left corner of the main window game. There you will find button "SEND GIFT" to open new window that contain gift item, and you can choose one of them and send it to your friend.

21. Fish Farm Quest

Task : Catch 2 Coho Salmon that contain caviar, 1 Yellow Perch that contain caviar and 3 Walleye that contain caviar.
Use Fish Finder, Landing Net 5, Line 5, Hook 5 and Common Rod (5 Kg).
- Coho Salmon that contain caviar
Location    : All Michigan lake spot area
Bait            : Fruit Flies, Worm, Salmon Boilies (use hook 10 and line 10 for more easier catch this one)
- Yellow Perch that contain caviar
Location    : Silent Trees, Still Water
Bait            : Fruit Flies, Larvae
- Walleye that contain caviar
Location    : Still Water, Open Water
Bait            : Fruit Flies, Worm

22. Make Yourself Known V

Task : Catch 25 fish at Silent Trees, Catch 5 trophy fish and use Chum 3 times at Silent Trees.
- Use any bait to catch 25 fish at silent trees
- Using fish finder to catch trophy fish
- You can find chum on your stuff section on the Backpack or you can buy it at the market on "Misc" section.

23. Deep Hole Quest

Task : Catch 5 Grammonus fish and 1 Trophy Grammonus fish at Hawaii.
- Bait     : Bread
- Hook  : 2 Kg
- Line    : 3 Kg
- Rod    : Common (5Kg)

24. Make Yourself Known VI Quest

Task : Use hat, catch 1 unique fish and catch 10 trophy fish
- Go to the market to buy hat
- Use fish finder to find unique and trophy fish (dont chasing away the 3 fish that shown on the display of Fish Finder, after that 3 fish potentialy 70% will shown unique or trophy fish).
- Without the Fish Finder, try to catch trophy and unique fish at Silent Trees using Bread bait, Hook 10, Line 10 and Common Rod (5Kg).

25. Show Your Skills I Quest

Task : Catch 1 Bullhead using Corn bait, catch 1 Whitefish using Dog Food bait and catch 1 Rainbow Trout using Larvae bait.
- To catch 1 Bullhead using Corn bait
Location    : Silent Trees
Hook        : 5 Kg
Line          : 5 Kg
Rod          : Common Rod (5 Kg)
- To catch 1 Whitefish using Dog Food bait
Location    : Open Water
Hook        : 10 Kg
Line           : 10 Kg
Rod           : Common Rod (5 Kg)
- Try catch 1 Rainbow Trout using Larvae bait
Location    : Urquhart Castle at Loch Ness
Hook         : 10 Kg
Line           : 10 Kg
Rod           : Common Rod (5 Kg)

25. Show Your Skills II Quest

Task : Catch 30 fish using Braed bait, catch 10 fish with extra power bonus and use 5 chum.
- Do this at Urquhart Castle

26. Lost I Quest

Task : Save up 50 coins and find 10 collectibles item from Loch Ness.
- Do this at Urquhart Castle

27. Fish Finder I Quest

Task : Catch 1 Unique fish and 5 Trophy fish, and catch 1 fish by hitting the "Extra Power".
Try to catch trophy and unique fish at Silent Trees using Bread bait, Hook 10, Line 10 and Common Rod (5Kg.

28. Fishing Picnic I

Task : I'm sorry I missed this one... :D

29. Fishing Picnic II

- Catch 10 fish bigger than 1 Kg at Silent Trees
- Catch 5 Walleyes at Silent Trees
- Catch 10 fish with caviar at Silent Trees
* Bait              : Worm, Fruit Flies
* Hook/Line    : 10 / 10 or 5 / 5
* Rod              : Camo Rod (10 Kg) or Common Rod (5 Kg)
* Fish Finder   : Shown 3 medium fish

30. Fish Finder II Quest

- Equip Fish Finder Pro
You can replace your common fish finder with the Pro one at the Bacpack
- Catch 5 fish bigger than 10 Kg
* Bait        : Worm
* Hook/Line    : 15 pro / 15 pro
* Rod              : Camo Rod (10 Kg)
* Fish Finder    : Shown 1 big fish
- Pull out 1 collectible item
* Fish Finder    : Shown ? symbol

- Buy Camo Rod (10Kg), hook 10 and line 10, and also buy hook 15 pro and line 15 pro.
- Don't forget to use Wheel of Fortune, use the "free play" only at the beginning of your fishing (only used 16 hours at a time).
- I will UPDATE this post every I completed new Quest of the Go Fishing Game.

Have nice fishing and GOOD LUCK!!! :)

Also read my other article about 8 Tabrakan kereta api di indonesia yang merenggut korban jiwa

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